The rear of the villa
The villa's rear terrace
Statue on the the villa's rear terrace
One of the statues on the roof
Part of the grounds of the villa
On the exterior wall of the villa
At 6pm sharp the blast-doors were closed
Closed blast-doors
Guard house by the gates of the villa
The main gates to the villa
A gazebo on the corner of the villa's grounds, at the front of the property, on the main street to the left of the main gates
Inside the villa
Copy of Martin Luther's file on the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"
"The Jews are guilty!By Reich Minister Dr Goebbels.
The historic guilt of world Jewry for the outbreak and spread of this war is so far proven that I need say nothing more about it. The Jews wanted their war and now they have it. Yet they also demonstrate the proof of the Fuehrer's prophecy made on 30 January 1939 in the German Reichstag, when he stated that if the International Jewish financiers again succeeded in plunging the nations into a world war, the result would not be the Bolshevisation of the world and thereby a Jewish victory but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe. We are currently witnessing the fulfilment of this prophecy and the Jews are thus meeting a fate that is harsh, but more than deserved. Pity or even regret are fully inappropriate under the circumstances. [...]"
Lead article by Joseph Goebbels in the weekly newspaper "Das Reich", 16 November 1941
"If the International Jewish financiers again succeed in plunging the nations into a world war, the result will not be Jewish victory but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."
Hitler's prophecy of 30 January 1939 as a calligraphy poster. NSDAP slogan of the week for the week 7 to 13 September 1941
The room in which the Wannsee Conference took place
The main stairway in the villa
Bulletin board outside the villa
This huge statue was on the property next to the Wannsee Villa
The story of the statue 'The Flensburg Lion" (a replica) is detailed on this poster, here for legible sized version
This sign was at the yacht club immediately next door to the villa
One of the neighbouring houses. Nice pad.